1. Contact and access
Firstly it is important, to get to know each other. In the first meeting the coach and the client additionally agree to the purposes and the further procedure in the next meetings.
2. Stage of orientation
Now information is collected. The coachee (client) compiles the details, being important for his problem.
3. Clarification
The coachee finishes off his situation of problems reflexively together with the coach. A new purpose crystallizes more often this way.
4. Stage of change
Measures of change are elaborated by own impetus and by the animation, advice or steps for training made by the coach. The coach accompanies the conversion and gives support with the reflection to his client.
5. Stage of stabilization
The client optimizes his strategies of change after he has had the first feeling of success. He will gain new prospects.
6. Stage of completion
Retrospectively the coachee examines together with the coach his experiences. He evaluates that was he has reached and he possibly appoints further measures of correction.