An enterprise, having decided to go the way of CSR, is characterized by initiative and responsibility of its own in the planning, carrying-out and controlling of the individual CSR actions. CSR means the decision for a way, going far beyond these matters required by law. Therefore all the CSR concepts contain some principles:
Voluntariness: The enterprise decides at its own impetus and freewill to integrate CSR in its business philosophy. In the enterprise establishes space for new extraordinary ideas by this wilful determination and the connected necessary considerations.
Multitude: CSR is not as CSR. The possibilities for responsible acting beyond the mandatory are so manifold like the types of enterprises themselves. Different central foci and arrangements are needful and meaningful depending on orientation, localisation and production of the business.
Social backing: An action aligned to a sustainable society is only at that time meaningful, when the same action is accepted, supported and appreciated by the government.