Dr. Robert Sturm ...
Since 1988 he has been active as an adviser, coach and consultant for both politicians and employees at all levels of German and international companies, i.e. directors, executives and co-workers. Furthermore he works with groups at home and abroad as a facilitator and supervisor with an academic qualification. With his diploma and master’s degree in mediation (MM), he mediates environmental, industrial, commercial and neighbourhood conflicts.

In the last few years the focus of these activities has been in the areas of both business development and industrial development. In these fields he has advised and supported companies in restructuring and internationalisation processes and also in reconstruction or company turnaround. Furthermore he advises governments with respect to their growth and development potential in industry and the business world in general.

For the academic work required for his MBA (Master of Business Administration) he focused on merging the economic factors productivity and humanity including the topic "human resources motivation". Within the course of his studies for an MA (Master of Arts) he worked intensively on the research, comparison and further development of differing complementary intervention concepts like mediation, facilitation, supervision and coaching. Furthermore Robert Sturm has diplomas in social work, remedial education and gerontology.

He started his business career 1988 when he started up the consulting practice Robert Sturm and Associates in Nuremberg. In addition to media, management, political and scientific consulting his company provides services in organisational, institutional and personal development, quality management, facilitation, mediation, supervision and coaching of company directors, executives and co-workers as well as consultants and trainers. 

Robert Sturm teaches and trains young academics and executives as part of their university courses, but is also active in vocational education and training. For some years he has been lecturing regularly at various universities. At the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt he lectured from 1999 to 2008 in the fields of welfare and nursing management. Since 2008 he has had the post of honorary professor (Profesor de onoare) for business administration at the University of Pitesti, Romania. As lecturer and instructor he trains coaches, supervisors, mediators and facilitators. At the same time he holds courses and seminars in Germany, in other European countries and also in the USA. In his areas of expertise Robert Sturm publishes technical books and scientific articles.

Honorary Engagement

In addition to his business and academic activities Robert Sturm has represented the Republic of Vanuatu as ambassador and as Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and was successful in helping to achieve a favourable economic development of the island state and, at the same time, the preservation of its original culture.

Since 2008 Robert Sturm has had the honorary position of Chairman of the newly formed "Forum Deutsch-Pazifische-Begegnungen e. V.“ ["Forum for German-Pacific communication”], which has set itself the mission to promote via intercultural meetings and an exchange of views between the peoples concerned a mutual understanding far removed from the prevalent South Sea cliches. You can find more information at www.forum-deupaz.de.

More about the person Robert Sturm
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...and Colleagues
An interdisciplinary network made from professionals with well-known experts stands for the name of Robert Sturm and colleagues. Project-orientated loyal cooperation is the common wing of their activities. So the right experts are engaged at the right time for the job at the right location.

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